- La violence à l'égard des jeunes femmes en Europe. Ingrid Ramberg: La violence à l'égard des jeunes femmes en Europe rend compte d'un séminaire qui a rassemblé des responsables de jeunesse, porteurs de projets et autres professionnels ou volontaires concernés par cette thématique.
- La violence est inacceptable - Violence conjugale, que faire? Colette Fry, Michèle Gigandet, Lucienne Gillioz et Elisabeth Rod: Cette brochure est prioritairement conçue pour les femmes, principales victimes de la violence conjugale.
- Les Eglises disent "NON" à la Violence envers les Femmes. Avant-Projet. Plan d'action pour les Eglises. Fédération Luthérienne Mondiale: Le but de ce document est d'encourager les Eglises à créer des moyens permettant de montrer à quel point la violence envers les femmes envahit la vie quotidienne et d'engager un débat sur ce problème dans les paroisses, les groupes d'intérêt, les séminaires d'Eglise et les institutions de formation.
Des ouvrages en Anglais:
- A case study on YWCA's Ndola - Drop - In - Centre counselling session for the victims of Domestic Violence. The Revd. Paul Kibirech Korir: This study puts into context the definition of some terms as for example Counselling, Victims, Offenders, Domestic, Violence etc.
- Churches say "NO" to violence against women. Draft. WICAS. The Lutheran World Federation: The purpose of this document is to encourage the churches to open up to see how violence against women pervades our daily living not only in overt ways but often in insidious and covert ways that may not even be recognizedd as violence.
- Domestic Violence Against Women and Girls. Kapoor Sushma: This Digest focuses on domestic violence as one of the most prevalent yet relatively hidden and ignored forms of violence against women and girls globally.
- Healing Waters: Churches Working to End Violence Against Women. Carol Penner: This resource is produced by the Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada (WICC) as a step along the way.
- "It's time to talk about it!". Violence against women in culture, society and the church. (ed: Ute Dilg): This material is offered to United Evangelical Mission (UEM) member churches for their study, analysis or examination, to give them a glimpse of what the women had been through and are going through in their search and desire for human dignity and, hopefully, move them to concretaly and earnestly journey with the women in their search and desire.
- No longer a secret. The church and violence against women. Aruna Gnanadason: This book points to some of the ways in which women and men in the church and elsewhere are beginning to struggle courageously against all forms of violence against women.
- The courage to tell. Margaret Kennedy (David Gamble and Anne van Staveren): Christian survivers of sexual abuse tell their stories of pain and hope. In this book Churches Together in Britain and Irland challenges the Churches to find the courage to act to protect children and adults. There you also can find ideas for liturgy and worship.
- Together with courage; Women and men living without violence against women. World Council of Churches: This book is an offering to the churches to listen to the women, to feel their pain and rage...and to act resolutely and with compassion so that woman and men, with the solidarity of their churches can together archieve a world free of violence against women.
- Women to Women. A Solidarity visit to Sierra Leone, 12-22 November 2000. World Council of Churches: Ecumenical women-to women solidarity visits have become an important way to express international support to women and children in conflict situations. In 2000 two such visits had been organised to Liberia and Sierra Leone. The report tells of the visit to Sierra Leone.
- Women, Violence and nonviolent change. Aruna Gnanadason, Musimbi Kanyoro and Lucia Ann McSpadden: After three analytical essays, women from thirteen countries around the world present case studies of how women's groups are confronting violence in their context.