International ecumenical solidarity visit to Indonesia
17 to 24 July 2008 Read more about the visit to Indonesia
Briefing on the situation in the Moluccas
Beatrice Mukhtar-Mamuzi, Sudan (right), member of the Living Letters team visiting Indonesia, with Margaretha Hendriks-Ririmasse, vice moderator of the Protestant Church in the Moluccas and vice moderator of the World Council of Churches central committee.

Christian-Muslim trust-building
Onya Ely, Maluku Interfaith Institution (centre) in conversation with Beatrice Mukhtar-Mamuzi, Sudan (left) and Monika Lude, Germany (right).

Internally displaced people
Families displaced by the 1999-2002 interreligious violence live in prefabricated houses on the outskirts of Ambon City.

Meeting victims
Wim Tutuiha, who lost part of his family during the interreligious conflict in conversation with Monika Lude and Beatrice Mukhtar-Mamuzi.

At the mosque
Members of the Living Letters team during a briefing with the Ulama Council at Fatah Mosque in Ambon.

All photos © Peter Williams/WCC
High resolution versions of these pictures are available upon request.